Enable Madison County
Provided services to over 2,000 clients in Madison County in FY2024Provided services to over 2,000 clients in Madison County in FY2024
Fantasy Playhouse Children's Theater & Academy
A leader in theatre and theatre arts education in the State of Alabama since 1961, Fantasy Playhouse Children’s Theater & Academy (FPCTA) is a 501 ( c ) non-profit bringing the magic of theatre to morA leader in theatre and theatre arts education in the State of Alabama since 1961, Fantasy Playhouse Children’s Theater & Academy (FPCTA) is a 501 ( c ) non-profit bringing the magic of theatre to mor
Invisible Warriors
Nonprofit supporting military women with PTS, MST and other invisible illnessesNonprofit supporting military women with PTS, MST and other invisible illnesses
Rotary Club of Madison *
There are almost as many ways to answer this question as there are Rotary clubs, and a better question might be “What Doesn’t Rotary Do?” But, quite simply, Rotary is about Service and Fellowship. RThere are almost as many ways to answer this question as there are Rotary clubs, and a better question might be “What Doesn’t Rotary Do?” But, quite simply, Rotary is about Service and Fellowship. R
Still Serving Veterans
Empowering Veterans & their families to optimally transition into post-military life through workforce development, help obtaining VA benefits, & referrals to existing local, state, & federal servicesEmpowering Veterans & their families to optimally transition into post-military life through workforce development, help obtaining VA benefits, & referrals to existing local, state, & federal services
The Enrichment Center
Walking with students through seasons of struggle.Walking with students through seasons of struggle.